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The American Guild of Appraisers
The voice of the professional appraiser, protecting the public interest

Testimony from Jodi, Minnesota

After hearing about the Appraisers Guild of America in a CE class, I thought I would join.  It is one organization that the instructor said every appraiser should be part of.  The instructor could not have been more correct.  The Appraisers Guild of America has been invaluable.  Every day appraisers are faced with many different things and we need to be able to turn to someone that has the right answers and will fight for us if necessary.   The Appraisers Guild of America is the place to turn.  With one phone call, they will get you the answers you need with documentation to back it up. I have not gotten this kind of support from any other organization in my 20 years of experience.  For the small yearly fee, this is where appraisers need to be.
